
Volume 11, 03-Special Issue

Share Return on Sector Properties and Real Estate Indonesia Stock Exchange

Acep Edison, Suryana and Syakieb Arsalan

Pages: 700-709

Philippines Readiness Facing the Era of the Asean Economic Community

Ade Barkah Surachman, Obsatar Sinaga and Arry Bainus

Pages: 710-713

Why Benchmarking is the Anchor to Measure the Airport Performance?

Agung Augustrianto and Ismail Solihin

Pages: 714-719

Hofstede’s Organization Culture on Deviant Workplace Behavior (Case Study on Workers at Plaza Toyota Bandung)

Agung Augustrianto, Anita Silvianita and Eltesar Ferari

Pages: 720-725

Business Development Strategy for Leather Product in Sukaregang Garut with Business Modeling Canvas Method

Ai Rosita, Benny Yustim and Heri Heryono

Pages: 726-737

Factors Affecting Buying Impulse in Retail Business (Case Study: Hypermart Bandung Indah Plaza)

Andhi Sukma

Pages: 738-749

Bank’s Employees Happiness Factor Analysis (A Study in Bank BTN Harmoni Branch, Jakarta, Indonesia)

A. Pangarso, M. Pradana, A. Widodo and K.D.B. Putera

Pages: 750-758

Analysis of the Effect of Fraud Triangle Perspective towards Fraud Investigation and its Impact towards Fraud Corrective Action

B. Bunga Indah, L.B. Irene Sukma and H.R. Ferry M

Pages: 759-765

Analysis of Viral Marketing Strategy Using Instagram Applications toward Brand Image (Survey of Make-Up Artist Customer at Bandung)

Bunga Indah Bayunitri, S.E., M.M., AK and Fitriani Fajar, S.Sos., M.M

Pages: 766-775

Recording, Compilation, Classification, and Reporting Receivables: A Study on Pt. Pegadaian (PERSERO)

Debbie Christine, Ina Herlina and Mohd Haizam Mohd Saudi

Pages: 776-781

Modal Idiom Have Got to in English Modality and it’s Equivalent in Indonesian: Syntactic and Semantic Studies

Deden Novan Setiawan Nugraha

Pages: 782-788

The Effect of Remuneration and Employee Engagement on Employee Performance

Didi Tarmidi, Rizka Rahmayati Putri, Gusni and Darwis Agustriana

Pages: 789-797

Building Green Purchasing Behavior

Eriana Astuty

Pages: 798-808

Sundanese Food: When Local and Global Culture Meet

Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna, Heriyanto and Kasno Pamungkas

Pages: 809-814

Proposed Brand Leverage with One Village One Product (OVOP) Approach Case Study: Kalua in Ciwidey

Gina Apryani Nurunnisha and Mohd Haizam Mohd Saudi

Pages: 815-825

Changing Media Ecology in a Globalized World and Its Impact on Cultural Values of a Nation with Special Reference to Indian Television Industry

Dr. Kuldeep and Dr. Meenakshi

Pages: 826-832

Return on Assets, Debt Equity Ratio, Inventory Turnover on Equity Growth: Study on Manufacturing Companies Listed in IDX

Helin Garlinia Yudawisastra, Obsatar Sinaga, Erie Febrian and Sumantri

Pages: 833-841

Understanding Knowledge Transfer Effectiveness in Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation within Indonesian Small and Medium Enterprises

Indra Cahyadi, Indra Taruna and Aida Wijaya

Pages: 842-851

Effect of Audit Committee, Internal Control, Organization Commitment, Whistleblowing System, on Fraud Actions: Good Corporate Governance and Fraud Triangle as Intervening


Pages: 852-867

SMES Marketing Information Systems

Iwan Rijayana, Mokh. Adib Sultan and Fitria Lilyana

Pages: 868-874

Entrepreneurship Opportunity Analysis in the Craft Industry in Indonesia

Jusup Nurgraha

Pages: 875-885

The Development Strategy Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Bandung

Keni Kaniawati and Mohd Haizam Mohd Saudi

Pages: 886-890

Russian Enterprise Telecommunication Market as Another Telkom Indonesia’s New Enterprise Market

Marheni Eka Saputri, Nia Kurniasih and Ganjar Daniswara

Pages: 891-900

Wago Jukugo in Japanese Case Study on the Ningen Shikaku Novel by Dazai Osamu

Hety Nurohmah, Ningrum Tresnasari and Felicia Aprilani

Pages: 901-907

The Effect of Product Quality, Price, and E-advertising on the Production Purchase in WITHI Batik Boutique

Mariana Rachmawati., DR., SE., MM, Pipin Sukandi, Nugraha Saefudin, Rini Handayani, Riski Taufik Hidayat, Ryan Kurniawan and Rd. Herman Sofyandi

Pages: 908-913

The Effects of Using USTADZ Celebrity on Influencing Consumer Intention to Engage with UMRAH Travel in Bandung, Indonesia

Rima Rahmayanti, Neneng Susanti, Rizal Ramdan Padmakusumah and Sari Dewi Oktari

Pages: 914-921

Relationship Marketing as a Key Success Factor of Co-operative Enterprise Business Performance (An Emphirical Testing on the Best Co-operative Consumer in West Java Province of Indonesia)

Rizal Ramdan Padmakusumah, Rima Rahmayanti, Neneng Susanti and R. Achmad Drajat Aji Sujai

Pages: 922-932

Analysis of Development of Indonesian Oil and Gas Export and Import in International Markets and Current Transactions Indonesia Period 2008.1-2018.3

Sugiartiningsih, Wasifah Hanim, Syafrizal Ikram and Syafdinal

Pages: 933-940

Bandung Postal Museum’s Social Marketing

Felicia Aprilani, Ningrum Tresnasari and Hety Nurohmah

Pages: 941-947

Yakuwarigo and Linguistic Stereotype in Japanese Fiction (Linguistic Stereotype Phenomenon in Japanese Novel, Comics and Animation)

Hardianto Rahardjo, Dinda Gayatri Ranadireksa and Uning Kuraesin

Pages: 948-953
