
Volume 11, Issue 7

Deliver an accurate image on the Digital Certificate and Digital Signature using RSA and SHA

S Shivaprasad ,M Sadanandam ,Meka Sowjanya, Sri Vijaya Kondapalli

Pages: 501-514

Text and Image Classification using Conventional Machine Learning to Convolutional Neural Networks

G. Keerthi , C. Ravi Kishore Reddy , M. Sudhakar , K.Sushma

Pages: 515-526

An Efficient Life Saver System For Detecting Driver Drowsiness

Venubabu Rachapudi, PenmatsaBindu, ManjariKakarla, BogalaNaveena

Pages: 527-534

Whiteboard Animation for Android Design Using Think Talk Write Model to Improve the Post Graduates Students’ Concepts Understanding

Muhdi,Achmad Buchori,Arif Wibisono

Pages: 535-543

Analysis of Income and Feasibility of Rice-Cattle Integration System Farming Based on Enterprises Scale

Mukhlis, Melinda Noer, Nofialdi, Mahdi

Pages: 544-553

Low Cost Antenna Design for The Application ofOver The Horizon Surface Wave Radar

Zulfajri Basri Hasanuddin, Wardi, GunawanTari

Pages: 554-561

A Comprehensive Analysis of Energy Consumption Trends and Potential Conservation Strategies of an Educational Institution

Ch. Umamaheswara Rao, A.R.Vijay Babu, B.Mahendar Reddy, Y.Srikanth, A.Naveen Reddy

Pages: 562-570

Diagnosis of Stator winding inter-turn Fault in Wound-Field Synchronous Motor by using Wavelet Transform


Pages: 571-578

Utilizing Cloud Computing For Stronger Healthcare Data Security

Vikas Somani, Dr. Munesh Chandra Trivedi

Pages: 579-589

A Review On Block Chain In Cloud Computing Healthcare Data Security

Vikas Somani, Dr. Munesh Chandra Trivedi

Pages: 590-595

Analysis of Service Excellence in Higher Education, An Overview University in Riau, Indonesia

Jeni Wardi,Lodia D. Putri,Budianto Hamuddin

Pages: 596-608

Big Data Set Privacy Preserving in Banking Using Machine Learning Techniques

S Anjali Devi, Meesala Bhagya Harika,InnamuriHarshitha,KodaliSarath Sai

Pages: 609-620

Automatic Brain Tumor Identification using Clustering of K-means Algorithm in Image Processing

M Praveena, G Rohini, G Tejeswara Reddy, K Hemanth Sai Nikhil

Pages: 621-630

Safe Navigation System Framework for Visually Impaired Users Using a Micro-Digital Camera

Kavitha. M , Pavani. D, Y. Lahari, M. Prasanna

Pages: 631-3-637

Implementation Of E-Voting Using Block Chain Technology

Dr Amarendra K , D Janaki , V Swarupa Tejaswi

Pages: 638-643

Minimum MSE Criteria Design of Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Relay Wireless Communication System

Apriana Toding

Pages: 644-649

E-assessment Model to Improve Problem- Solving Skills of Prospective Physics Teachers

Hairunisyah Sahidu, Gunawan, Lovy Herayanti, Ni Made Yeni Suranti

Pages: 650-656

Performance of Laston Ac-Wc Mixture Using Asbuton LGA and Fakfak Materials

Alpius, Ary Kusuma

Pages: 656-663

Effects of Green Chemistry Based Interactive Multimedia on the Students' LearningOutcomesand Scientific Literacy

Saprizal Hadisaputra, Gunawan Gunawan,Muhammad Yustiqvar

Pages: 664-674

STEM Education - based E-Module for Hearing Impaired Students

Muhammad Nur Hudha, Dyah Triwahyuningtyas, Sudi Dul Aji, Ana Rafikayati, Alim Sumarno, Isma Widiaty, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, Anna Permanasari, Ida Hamidah,Ade Gafar Abdullah

Pages: 675-680

Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (Sdg’s) Through CSR Activities – A Study On Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (Hpcl) A Major Navaratna Company

Anis A,ASAS Kochi, Noonu Mary Jose

Pages: 681-687

Log Periodic Slot Based Monopole Antenna with Defected Ground Structure for Wireless and Satellite Communication Applications

B. Siva Hari Prasad, Dr. M.V.S. Prasad

Pages: 688-698

The Effect of Using Sugar Cane Drops as aSubtitute Some Asphalt for Ac-Bcand Ac-Wc Concrete Asphalt Layer

Parea R. Rangan, Grandy S, Esra B.

Pages: 699-706

Malicious Host Identification Using Machine Learning Classification In Cloud

G Nandita,G Kanika, T Munesh Chandra

Pages: 707-717

A Lock based Optimistic Protocol in MDRTDBS

Prakash Kumar Singh

Pages: 718-731

Dual Band DGS Antenna for Bluetooth/WiFi/5GApplications

M Krishna ChennakesavaRao, M Pachiyannan

Pages: 732-738

Area Optimized Nano-Metric Level Dual Port Memory Design In Qca

A.Kamaraj, R.Abirami, Dr.P.Marichamy

Pages: 739-748

How to develop a company in the UAE? Pros and cons of different types of companies

Farida Isaeva and Mokhinur Bakhramova

Pages: 915-921

Theoretical And Methodological Basis Of Research On The Development Of Handicraft Activity In The Economic Policy Of Amir Temur

Ubaydullo V. Gafurov, Zulfiya A. Khamidova

Pages: 951-965

A Sliding Window Based Approach for Closed Frequent Itemsets with Weight Decrease Concept overData Streams

Ramesh Karnati, SomarajuSuvvari

Pages: 992-1003
