
Volume 11, 07-Special Issue

Consumer Preference for Adopting Online Payment Methods-The Influencing Role of Consumer Trust, Self-efficacy and Satisfaction among Urban Indian Adults in Bengaluru

G. Anupama

Pages: 1436-1448

Lung Cancer Detection Using Modified Gabor Filter, Gradient Operators and Morphological Segmentation Tool

S. Avinash, K. Manjunath and S. Senthil Kumar

Pages: 1449-1460

An Enhanced Ensemble Classification Algorithm (EECA) for Airline Services Big Data Sentiment Analysis

T. Dinesh Kumar, E. Prabhakar and K. Nandhagopal

Pages: 1461-1467

A Comparative Study of Scene Labeling Techniques Using Various Deep Learning Methods

N. Shanmugapriya and Dr.D. Chitra

Pages: 1468-1476

MR-CFRVM-ACO with Feature Selection for Efficient Data Mining by Monotonic Constraints

A. Shanmugapriya and Dr.N. Tajunisha

Pages: 1477-1491

A Survey on Energy-Efficient Load-Balanced Energy Hole Avoidance Routing Protocols in WSN

M. Sridhar and Dr.P.B. Pankajavalli

Pages: 1492-1496

Abrupt Transition Detection Using Grey scale Features

Jasmin T. Jose and S. Rajkumar

Pages: 1497-1505

Lung Segmentation Using Deep Neural Networks

Benita KJ Veronica, S. Purushothaman and P. Rajeswari

Pages: 1529-1534

Emergence of Vanquishing Mother: A Study of Manju Kapur’s Novel ‘Custody’

G. Monalisa and Dr.M. Nagalakshmi

Pages: 1535-1540

Pseudo Filters in Pseudo Q-Algebra

Habeeb Kareem Abdullah and Hebaa Shaker Salman

Pages: 1541-1552

Optimal Ordering Policy for Substitutable Products with Quadratic Demand

B. Komala Durga and E. Chandrasekaran

Pages: 1553-1560

Evaluation of Trends on Social Media

Dr.V. Vanitha, Sumeet Raja Swain, Srijit Chakrabarty and Vishal Chaubey

Pages: 1561-1567

Fair Resource Allocation in Cloud Using Control Theory Model

N. Vijayaraj and T. Senthil Murugan

Pages: 1568-1576

Enhancing Transmission Efficiency Using Link based Scheduling in MANET

G. Arulkumaran, P. Balamurugan and J. Santhosh

Pages: 1577-1582

Smart Drainage Monitoring System Using LoRa Technology

N.R. Rajalakshmi and S. Parthiban

Pages: 1583-1587

Automatic Segmentation of Kannada Speech for Emotion Conversion

A. Geethashree and D.J. Ravi

Pages: 1588-1604

Design of Controllers Using Periodic Output Feedback – POF for 1 & 2-Link FMs

Joshi Shubangi Milind, Dr.G. Arun Kumar and Dr.T.C. Manjunath

Pages: 1605-1617

CBIR based on Colour, Edge Extraction Using Histogram and DWT

K. Ramanjaneyulu, Dr.K. Veera Swamy and Dr.Ch. Srinivasa Rao

Pages: 1618-1625

Face Recognition based on Unsupervised Clustering Feature Extraction Using Gaussian Mixture Model

M. Koteswara Rao, K. Veera Swamy and K. Anitha Sheela

Pages: 1626-1635

Strategic Planning of AI Research through Analysis of Economic and Social Impact on 4th Wave

Dae-Sung Seo

Pages: 1636-1642

Prisoners & Prison: A Quest for Humanity “Every Saint has a Past, Every Sinner a Future”

Avnish Bhatt and Prof. Dr. Rajesh Bahuguna

Pages: 1643-1653

Social Banking in India in the Reforms Era and the Case of Financial Inclusion: Relevance of ICT-based Policy Options

Dr.P.K. Manoj

Pages: 1654-1666

Dynamics of Human Resource Management in Banks in the ICT Era: A Study with a Focus on Kerala based Old Private sector Banks

Dr.P.K. Manoj

Pages: 1667-1680

Lessons of Social Work: A Case Study

Dhanya Anna Kurian and Dr. Namrata Pancholi

Pages: 1681-1688

Child Molestation in India: Shatter the Silence

Kritika Gupta and Prof. Dr. Meenu Gupta

Pages: 1689-1695

Negative Experiences and Complaint Behaviour of Customers in Retail Banking – A Descriptive Analysis

Nagendra Kumar Turaga, Dr. Srinivasa Rao Bandaru and Mohana Turaga

Pages: 1696-1701

India’s Innovation in Liberal Arts Education for Sustainability- A Conceptual Framework Using Interpretive Structural Modelling

Dr. Anita Patankar and Dr. Archana Singh

Pages: 1702-1714

The Role of Load Balancing Algorithms in Next Generation of Cloud Computing

B. Mallikarjuna and D. Arun Kumar Reddy

Pages: 1715-1733

An Analysis of Efficient Selection Routing in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks

Dr.S. Thiru Nirai Senthil and S. Kannan

Pages: 1734-1739

Cloud Computing With Virtualization Techniques

Dr.D. Kerana Hanirex and Dr.A. Muthu Kumaravel

Pages: 1740-1744
