Creating smart shopping and check out system with automatic stock re-supply system bypassing the distributor to achieve very high product availability and product sales in-order for a continuous sales supply. There-fore, by making it smart the shop can achieve higher break evens with their product inventory and thereby decrease the cost overheads of the store. It can also help reduce vast amounts of product waste which is due to no interest in that stock due to weak demand this, could be mitigated thru deploying smart algorithms which predict this way in-advance which will give more power to the shopkeepers. Implementation of this algorithms could be done by adding the RFID tags to each product to judge the product popularity and applying machine learning algorithms on real time basing to mitigate the problem of no-stock availability and no-sales condition. Applying the Machine Learning algorithms on real time basis is the focus of this paper. The smart Check out systems are also a big focus in this pa-per as they eat into lot of time and also decide how efficient are these stores. By making the checkout system very secure and easy we could cut short the workforce by 50% this is a huge win for the local shopkeeper who want to make bug margins.
Volume 11 | 03-Special Issue
Pages: 1520-1524