
ROBO Guides Interacting with Smart Boards Using Speech-to-text Conversion

J. Gowthamy, Eshita Das, P. Divya and Aditya Belani

Now a days, the demand for Natural Language Processing (NLP) and AI is increasing very rapidly. Also, there is a scope for its blooming in future. Already there are several things found out by using NLP such as text to speech recognition in mobile phones, extracting important keywords from a set of data. This paper consists of a speech to text reorganization that is used in making smart boards. It has a smart board which is able to convert the speech to text by helping the speaker and the listener. As artificial intelligence and robotic technology continue to advance, the idea of a robot as a teacher or a companion for a child is no longer confined to science fiction. Several real-life social robots, or autonomous machines that interact and communicate with humans, are already working and assisting people in places like schools, hospitals, and the home. Robotics engineers design robots, maintain them, develop new applications for them, and conduct research to expand the potential of robotics. Robots have become a popular educational tool in some middle and high schools, as well as in numerous youth summer camps, raising interest in programming, artificial intelligence and robotics among students.

Volume 11 | 03-Special Issue

Pages: 1513-1519