Edge computing refers to processing the data near the data collection points in contrast to cloud computing where data is processed in a central location irrespective of data collection points. Processing the data near the edge of the network is aptly called edge computing. Edge computing has many advantages like less network latency and reduction in network bottlenecks. It also adds outstanding challenges to the network security. Due to the low network latency, edge computing is widely used in health IT infrastructure for monitoring the patient’s condition remotely. One such application is the monitoring the patient’s physiology to detect and treat sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder where patient’s breath pauses and starts again ,thus making the patient unable to sleep and causes several health risks. In this paper, patient’s data is collected and processed using edge computing techniques to detect sleep apnea using sensors.
Volume 11 | 03-Special Issue
Pages: 1158-1164