
A Performance Analysis of the Doubly-Fed Induction Generator under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions

M.N. Kalaivani and Dr.K. Balachander

Nowadays the wind energy has turned into the most potential sustainable power source. Already present conventional energy frameworks require efficient power quality and control in expanding infiltration of wind energy. In most of the nations, wind power generation is demonstrated as one of the principal household hotspots for power generation. This could be accomplished from wind power. This paper exhibits perceptions on the most utilized electrical generators as part of the wind turbines. In this research the main spotlight is on the execution of WECS utilizing doubly fed induction generator DFIG, and the comparison execution of DFIG over SCIG squirrel cage induction generator. By utilizing the MATLAB/Simulink, a simulation of results in parametric analysis, PDPC, FRT and under unbalanced grid voltage conditions has been presented to prove that the DFIG is better for the wind turbine system.

Volume 11 | 03-Special Issue

Pages: 1073-1083