
Modal Idiom Have Got to in English Modality and it’s Equivalent in Indonesian: Syntactic and Semantic Studies

Deden Novan Setiawan Nugraha

Modality is the attitude of the speaker for his involvement in the truth of his speech propositions. This attitude can be anchored by different lexical markers, namely in the form of words, phrases, or clauses. Modalities are in the semantic level which means they can appear in all languages with their respective expressions. By using descriptive method, this research describes the modal idiom have got to in English modalities and Indonesian based on its structure and meaning. The data was taken in various written language of the novel in English and in Indonesian. The results showed that the types of meanings modal idiom have got to exist in epistemic and deontic modalities. Epistemic modalities are subjective because they involve the beliefs and knowledge of speakers, while deontic modalities are subjective because speakers are involved in an authority.

Volume 11 | 03-Special Issue

Pages: 782-788