The tannery industry in Sentra Sukaregang Garut is one of the UMKM which produce product for garments, gloves, and various leather from the skin (sheep and goat skin). There have problem is lack of raw materials, because the lack of coordination between stakeholders in the production process not going well which results in frequent cancellations of orders made by prospective buyers. The purpose of this study is to build a web-based supply chain system to facilitate planning of raw material requirements and determining the amount of production. This is done to avoid product vacancies when there are bookings by prospective buyers. Methodology research by developing a software model with an Iterative and Incremental Development and Supply Chain Management approach. The results of the study are application of a supply chain system that can coordinate each production sector so that production in Sentra Sukaregang runs well.
Volume 11 | 03-Special Issue
Pages: 600-610