With the development of technology, the absorption of foreign cultures tends to erode Indonesian culture in the eyes of society. Many regional arts and languages are considered the expression of an endangered nation. A number of cultural heritages are abandoned by the community, one of which is pencaksilat. Pencak is a martial art, the ancestral heritage of the Indonesian people and one of the original branches of a sport born in the Malay family, especially Indonesia. Some people assume that pencaksilat is a martial art that contains mystical elements, even shirk. With this rapid technological development, it is hoped that the cultural values possessed by the Indonesian people can still be preserved. Even the role of technology can have a positive impact in disseminating information to the public, especially regarding martial arts martial arts. The design of this study uses descriptive and verification, using the iteration method, the sample in this study amounted to 115 respondents. The results of the study show that digital marketing influences the community in making decisions to watch the performance of pencaksilat martial arts by 30.5 percent and the rest is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
Volume 11 | 03-Special Issue
Pages: 251-257