
Application of Electronic Supply Chain Management in Managing the Information of Electronic Company by Utilizing the Extraprise Value Network

Muhammad Rozahi Istambul and Ishak Abdulhak

Companies that will compete in today's information technology era are generally always trying to find an efficient and effective way to run their business in order to be superior against its competitors. Various methods of management are conducted to test the extent of excellence in terms of information flow, thus simplifying the flow of physical currents that interact in the routine of a company. The role of Electronic Supply Chain Management (e-SCM) in managing the relationship between units of activities within a company is not only utilizing information technology to solve various information problems that flow regularly, but also it needs a wider integration of e-SCM than just within the internal company. The combination is nothing other than the integration of corporate information system network with external parties known as an extraprise value network.

Volume 11 | 03-Special Issue

Pages: 72-85