Injection timing gives great impacts on the performance characteristics of the internal combustion engine (ICE) fuelled by hydrogen enriched compressed natural gas engine employing exhaust gas recirculation (DI-HCNG-EGR). There are two main types of injection timings viz: early and late injection timing. However, the different injection timings have different effect on performance characteristics of internal combustion engine which are difficult to understand such as the increase or decrease in brake torque (BT), Brake specific energy consumption (BSEC) and brake thermal efficiency (BTE).Therefore, the impact of injection timing (early and late injection timing) on internal combustion engine (ICE) fuelled by hydrogen enriched compressed natural gas engine employing exhaust gas recirculation (DI-HCNG-EGR) is relatively unclear. The primary focus of this research is to experimentally study the effect of the early and late injection timing on performance characteristics of the internal combustion engine fuelled by hydrogen enriched compressed natural gas engine employing exhaust gas recirculation (i.e. DI-HCNG-EGR). The experiment was conducted at part throttle, constant engine speed (i.e. 200rpm) with different fractions of hydrogen (H2) (i.e. 0-46% by volume) and EGR rates (i.e. 0-30% by mass). The results showed that for a specified percentage of EGR rates, early injection timing gives better performance characteristics (i.e. higher brake torque, lower BSEC and higher BTE) as compared to late injection timing in DI-HCNG-EGR. In addition, the results also showed the percentage of hydrogen gas that guarantee the best performance characteristics in DI-HCNG-EGR is approximately lies between 0%-20%. Thus, it can be technically concluded that early injection timing is better injection strategy that guarantee a better performance characteristics in DI-HCNG-EGR as compared to late injection timing.
Volume 11 | Issue 1
Pages: 51 - 59