
A Study on E-learning as an Aid to Develop Vocabulary of the Tertiary Level Learners

Dr.S.V. Karthiga

This paper focuses on the merits and effects of E-learning in classrooms for acquiring vocabulary. In order to find the learners view a study was conducted. A course was designed to find out the vocabulary level of the learners using E-learning. It was encountered that the traditional blackboard method was followed in acquiring vocabulary. Initially students were only allowed to use paper, dictionaries where traditional blackboard method was followed. Secondly the same course to the same group of students was conducted using E-learning; here the learners were allowed to use their mobile phones/laptop/tab in order to find out the meaning of the words. At the end of both courses an observation was conducted to find out which method has been more successful. Questions were asked to students to identify the learners’ interest. E-learning is one of the major contributing factors in the development of society especially in non-English speaking countries. The reason is that people show more interest in using computers/mobile phones which inspired them a lot even though they find it difficult to use at first. By this people get acquainted to E-learning very easily. A key part of the teaching approach is the facilities used in method of teaching. Today teachers have lots of new technologies, electronic instructional and communicational technologies which can be used in teaching vocabulary. A learner can attain language proficiency easily if the vocabulary level is high.

Volume 11 | 04-Special Issue

Pages: 1777-1780