Electronic waste (E-waste) is a few refuse produced by useless electronic devices and apparatus as well as substances concerned in their produce or use. The dumping of Electronics is a growing problem because electronic equipment regularly contains harmful substances. To overcome the E-waste many recycling companies have been started for usage of E-waste. As E-waste contains non-biodegradable material, it creates huge impact on environmental pollution. Metakaolin is a manufactured admixture used as partial understudy of cement in high strength concrete. Metakaolin, which is measured to have twice the pozzolanic reactivity compared to mainly additional pozzolans, is a important admixture for concrete/cement applications. Replacing Portland cement through suitable quantity of metakaolin produce a concrete mix, which exhibit positive engineering properties. In this research, the concrete specimens prepared with E-waste material will be subjected to compressive strength and Rapid chloride permeability tests. 20 mm size of coarse aggregates is prepared with the E-waste material. Different concrete mixes are prepared with replace normal coarse aggregate by E-waste material within ranges like 0%,20%,40%,60%,80%,100% as well as cement is replaced with metakaolin with 0% and 10% for a concrete mix of M30. The result of understudy of coarse aggregate with E-waste material and cement with metakaolin at the age of 28 days will be evaluated.
Volume 11 | 04-Special Issue
Pages: 662-668