
Empowering Agriculture in India Using Internet of Things

S.N.G.S. Karthik, Rajasekaran Rajkumar and Jolly Masih

A bumper or good yield from agriculture relies upon various parameters or integral elements. Water accounts for the most important parameter to obtain best possible yield of the crop since water is prerequisite of a crop harvest i.e. water prerequisite changes with crop growth stages. Along with water other variables responsible for good harvest are application of plant protection chemical, fertilizer and manures in different growth stages of plant. The quantity, time and method of application of fertilizer and manures differs from crop to crop. N:P:K ratio of the soil determines the amount of fertilizer to be used for a particular crop and land. However farmers lack know-ledge about wise and proper use of fertilizer application. They either use it in very low quantity or in very high quantity e.g. in Punjab. This absence of information prompts colossal misfortune in the loss of yield. The study proposes a smart method to deal and handle this issue by using IoT. In this IoT model based study framework, dif-ferent sensors are sent to the rural field and the motivation behind these sensors is to consistently monitor and record the readings of different crop yield parameters which could be utilized for yield protection and prediction. These readings are then sent to a microcontroller which further advances the information to the cloud, where it is broken down into information to be used in agriculture. At the cloud, the readings are contrasted with the limit readings of every sensor. Information is chosen by the agriculturist in the wake of counselling with a specialist. If some anomaly is detected, a message is sent to the farmer specifying about the issue and furthermore, the actuators associated with the microcontroller gets initiated. The area where the supplements are required is passed on to the actuators utilizing the GPS module associated with the microcontroller. Thus in this manner better yield could be obtained incoming years by Indian farmers. In this manner, study proposes a framework that naturally recognizes yield parameters and helps in expanding the recorded and monitored information cleverly to handle the issue in the field e.g. pest infesta-tion, lack of fertilizers or water in soil or heavy winds etc.

Volume 11 | 04-Special Issue

Pages: 1317-1322