
Which Factors Affecting Optimal Economic Policy - Relation Between Economic Innovation Models and Financial Innovation

Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy, Pham Anh Dung, Le Ngoc Nuong, Le Thi Han, Do Thi Sang, Dinh Tran Ngoc Hien and Pham Hung Nhan

The goal of This article focuses on analyzing which Factors Affecting Optimal Economic Policy - Relation between Economic Innovation Models and Financial Innovation in recent years. Method: include Qualitative research method: synthesis and inductive methods. Hsu et al (2014) pointed that show that industries that are more dependent on external finance and that are more high-tech intensive exhibit a disproportionally higher innovation level in countries with better developed equity markets. We also expand SWOT model by adding Value part analysis on it. Results: Authors stated threats including but not limit to: for a knowledge based economy, there are risks such as: loss of national cultural identity; and monetary and financial markets still has risks (exist), low credit growth.

Volume 12 | Issue 4

Pages: 596-601