The purposel of This article focuses on ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC INNOVATION MODELS AND HOW TO SELECT OPTIMAL POLICY in recent years. Method: include Qualitative research method: synthesis and inductive methods. Sekhar (2013) stated that The deregulation of banking systems, in particular, promotes economic growth through improved allocation, efficiency and a reduction of financial service costs. Results: Authors stated opportunities for values adding including but not limit to: Covid 19 bring opportunities for smart solutions for social issues in smart cities; FDI investment in 2023 increased 3.5% compared to 2022; In 2023, the State Bank of Vietnam adjust the operating interest rate four times with a total reduction of 0.5 - 2%/year, and at the same time direct credit institutions to reduce costs to reduce lending interest rates to support businesses, people and the economy to recover production and business.
Volume 12 | Issue 3
Pages: 737-745