
A Unique Trusted Key sharing Scheme for Secure and QoS Routing in MANET

Kotari Sridevi, Dr. Sridhar Mandapati

The mobile ad hoc network is facing challenges due to diverse security issues and resource limitations in nature. It is always challenging to design a reliable and optimized network for effective routing in such resource constraints and dynamic topology transforms due to the node mobility. The intention of this work is to investigate ad-hoc routing problems in the MANET, and its vulnerability which drops or delayed the packet forwarding. This paper proposes a unique trusted key sharing (UTKS) routing scheme for secure and dynamic routing in MANET for improvisation the QoS. To improve the performance this scheme includes a unique trusted key for each individual routing path, which is being utilized for data encryption. We evaluate the proposal in a different mobility situation over a simulated network. Simulation results show an enhancement in QoS by achieving greater throughput in comparison with the existing schemes.

Volume 10 | 09-Special Issue

Pages: 577-585