
Analyzing Factors Affect Human Behavior During Covid-19 Pandemic

Pantri Heriyati and Lim Sanny

This paper examines the consumer perception attributes related to COVID-19 Pandemic. It used survey as a quantitative approach. The respondents were selected based on criteria to domicile in Jakarta greater area. This study collected one hundred eligible data set to be analyzed. The attributes measurement uses 1-5 Likert Scale from Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree and Strongly Agree, respectively. We calculate the proportion of each scale and using index to rank the attributes. The results of this study indicate that the attributes of safety, namely safety of family, self and friends and colleagues came first in the respondent’s top of mind in relation to their concern over Covid-19 situation. The highest score is the attribute of the Family Safety. This shows that the Family Safety an important point in the respondents 'perception of Covid-19 situation. Where the family safety is becoming their main concern. The second highest score is the Personal Safety. After Family Safety, Respondent own safety positioned in the second. The third highest score is the attribute of Safety of Friends and Colleagues. This finding that showed in the first three attribute were person or human safety, has strong relation to the fact that Covid-19 strongly attacked human with high rate of infection and fatality. It concluded that the attributes of safety, namely safety of family, self and friends and colleagues came first in the respondent’s top of mind in relation to their concern over Covid-19 situation. Should COVID-19 continue to strike, this will still be a new threat everywhere, despite efforts to contain it. The more widespread the spread of test kits and, when they have been found, treatment and vaccines, the faster this pandemic can be defeated. The more spread of knowledge about treatment, the faster the drugs will be developed. And, for the time being, the more governments coordinate on issues such as travel restrictions and social restrictions, the smoother the way out of this crisis.

Volume 12 | 08-Special Issue

Pages: 73-80

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP8/20202503