
An Investigation of the Effect of Lean Six Sigma Practices on Healthcare Service Quality and Patient Satisfaction: Testing the Mediating Role of Service Quality in Dubai Primary Healthcare Sector

A. Aburayya, M. Alshurideh, D. Alawadhi, A. Alfarsi, M. Taryam and S. Mubarak

Recently, organizations must look into quality improvement initiative tools for improving organizational performance. Effective quality improvement strategy such as Lean Six Sigma (LSS) practices has a potential to provide improvement and effectiveness in healthcare industry. The main aim of this study is to assess the level of implementing LSS practices and measure its effect on healthcare service quality and patient satisfaction. Data were collected from primary healthcare centers located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Healthcare providers completed a questionnaire measuring LSS practices while patients completed a questionnaire measuring perceived service quality and patient satisfaction. The questionnaires from patients then were paired with the questionnaires from healthcare providers who had attended to the patients. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyze the collected data. The mediating relationship proposed in the study’s framework were tested using Baron and Kenny model. The results revealed that the application of LSS dimensions was adopted at 92.2% of Dubai healthcare centers. Moreover, the proposed model indicated that service quality fully mediates the effect of LSS practices on patient satisfaction. Additionally, LSS is shown to be positively affect service quality and patient satisfaction and that service quality has a more significant effect on patient satisfaction than LSS strategy.

Volume 12 | 08-Special Issue

Pages: 56-72

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP8/20202502