
Criminal Acts of Rape Committed by Parent on Children (Incest)

Dijan Widijowati, Bambang Tri Bawono, Rr. Yuliana Tutiek Setia Murni and Muhammad Rustamadji

The rise of rape cases with underage victims especially against natural children is really heartbreaking. The action not only damages the victim's future, but also potentially disturbs the victim's mental and social life. Based on the Problem Identification above, the purpose of this research are, To know what are the factors that influence the occurrence of criminal acts of rape committed by parents to their biological children (incest), and To know how efforts should be made in preventing and handling criminal acts of rape committed by parents against their biological children (incest). The research method used is analytical descriptive approach method, that is setting certain standard norm to a phenomenon by examining secondary data. While data analysis using qualitative juridical method that is sourced and literature study and field study, then arranged systematically, after analyzed presented descriptively. The Factors behind the occurrence of criminal acts of rape of biological children: low education and economic factors, environmental or residence factors, habitual factors to consume alcoholic beverages, the lack of understanding of religion factor. Prevention of rape crimes committed by parents to their biological children can be done by preventive actions that must be committed by every element of society.

Volume 12 | 08-Special Issue

Pages: 31-36

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP8/20202498