The low level of drinking water services in Regional Water Supply Company (RWSC) Cirebon City, Cirebon Regency, Kuningan Regency, Majalengka Regency, and Indramayu Regency have resulted in high public complaints about quality drinking water services. This is the responsibility of the district and city governments in Region III of West Java Province to improve the quality of RWSC services continuously, so that problems, especially drinking water and other administrative services, can be resolved properly. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to have an implementation model in implementing policies and other cultural factors that determine the success of the service. Quantitative research with a descriptive and verification approach has been used to understand the problem of this study, namely through the explanatory survey method, in an effort to get an actual answer so that the phenomenon in the RWSC can be raised. While the study population was its employees in 5 study locations. Likewise the determination of the sample is done by cluster proportional random sampling. The source of the data comes from interviews as primary data and literature review becomes secondary data. After the data is obtained and continued with a simple analysis, namely Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. Based on available data, this study has succeeded in finding, among others, implementation of service policies, organizational culture and employee performance descriptively in the category of stretching from poor to very good. Meanwhile, company policies and culture need the support of media technology and information to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of implementing policies. Then it can be verified by study evidence that implementation of policies and organizational culture has a positive influence on employee performance both simultaneously and gradually.
Volume 12 | Issue 8
Pages: 187-195
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I8/20202463