The ignition source of building fire can be located in either room or roof of residential building. Experiments on closed residential buildings have been widely conducted, both using simulation method and scaled experiment. Experimental studies on triangular roofs have not been widely conducted, and therefore, these types of roofs are necessary to be investigated, particularly in relation to fire behavior. This research examined three models of triangular roofs, including prism 1 for gable roof, prism 2 for wedge roof, and pyramid for tent roofs. The method used was the study of computer simulation using the CFD-FDS program. This research tried to develop roof models by measuring the fire-induced air flow in the triangular roofs of buildings. The fire was modeled by volumetric heat sources located in three triangular roofs that were given openings for air ventilation. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of three triangular roofs to predict the temperature and time of the distribution patterns of hot gas flow temperature increase in the testing chambers by different locations of fire sources.
Volume 11 | Issue 11
Pages: 316-331