
Teacher as a Subject of Interaction: Communicative Resources and Risks

Tatyana N. Shcherbakova, Rakhima Kh. Malkarova, Azamat B. Sozaev, Marat A. Anayev, Rima Kh. Kulimova and Susanna M. Khakhetlova

The relevance of this study lies in the need to consider the content characteristics of communicative resources and risks of modern teachers as organizers of innovative education models. In this regard, this paper identifies the features of the components of communicative resources and existing communicative risks. This study involved competence-based, subjective, activity-based, and resource-based approaches as the leading ones. Their use enabled the comprehensive consideration of a communicative resource as a factor of success. Questioning and testing with the use of standardized professional methodology brought the resulting array of empirical data characterizing the content-wise specifics of the communicative resources and risks of modern teachers. The paper presents the descriptive characteristics of different levels of communicative resources and their projections, as well as systematizes the basic communicative risks. The obtained results analysis shows the degree of the main components of communicative resources manifestation. These components include empathy, communicative self-control, behavior strategies for conflict situations, fixation on cooperation, personal control, confidence in themselves and others. The content and format-wise characteristics of teacher’s views on psychological competence and its role in the optimization of pedagogical interaction. The associations with "teacher - a successful subject of interaction" were also systematized. The study reflects the motives for modeling an individual system of communicative resources and builds their hierarchy. The authors reveal the nature of teacher’s attitude to their professional abilities and resources, as well as consider the self-assessment of the communicative competence development level. The paper covers all the factors determining the will to expand personal communicative resources and to minimize possible risks from teacher’s viewpoint. In this work, the authors set up the psychological profiles of teachers with different levels of communicative resources development. The key projections of content specifics of an individual system of communicative resources in real practice of pedagogical interaction are outlined. The materials of this paper may be of practical importance for the improvement of professional training and personalized system of professional development for modern educators, as well as for the implementation of programs of psychological assistance in the development of the communicative resources of subjects of pedagogical interaction.

Volume 12 | 07-Special Issue

Pages: 163-175

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202095