
Islamic Nationalism based on Islamic Boarding Schools: Study of Madrasas and Islamic Boarding Schools in the North Coast Region of Central Java

Ihsan, Zaenal Hafidzin and Ifada Retno Ekaningrum

This study aims to explain the field findings related to the strengthening of Islamic nationalism education values in pesantren-based madrassas. The method used in this research is qualitative with a naturalistic paradigm. This research involved 5 Madrasah schools in the North Coast of Java (Pantura) area. Data obtained by observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The analysis was carried out using inductive descriptive. The results showed a variety of strengthening the national values implemented by Madrasah-Pesantren integrated into the curriculum and hidden curriculum. Curriculum Nationalism values are carried out in-class learning. Nationalism values are carried out in intra-curricular, extracurricular, and non-curricular activities with benefits that are not explicitly included in the curriculum or are called the hidden curriculum. Nationalist values are embedded in students and equip themselves to be religious and nationalist figures.

Volume 12 | Issue 7

Pages: 471-476

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I7/20202028