
Evaluation of Molluscicidal Activity and Toxicity of some Common Medicinal Plant and Chemical Synthetic Agents against Biomphalaria Alexandrina, the Snail Vector of Schistosoma Mansoni Infection

Hala A. Abdel Salam, Esam S. Al-malki and Kamal S. Albenasy

This study aims to evaluate and compare the toxicity and molluscicidal efficacy of three monoterpene oils (linalool, thymol, and eugenol) and artemether, plant derivative agents and atrazine, roundup and miltefosine, chemical synthetic agents against freshwater snails Biomphalaria alexandrina; intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni. Following WHO guidelines, the sublethal (LC0, LC10 and LC25) and lethal (LC50 and LC90 ) concentrations of tested materials were estimated after 24 hours exposure followed by another of recovery. The recorded results illustrated that all the tested agents had molluscicidal properties and a toxic effect against the examined snails. The most potent molluscicidal agent was atrazine expressed by LC50 of 1.31 ppm and LC90 of 4.07 ppm followed by roundup with LC50 3.21 ppm and LC90 12.61ppm, then miltefosine with LC50 14.66 ppm and LC90 24.06 ppm, then artemether with LC50 18.30 ppm and LC90 28.40 . Furthermore, the recorded results showed that the molluscicidal activity of the tested agents was arranged according to their lethal concentrations against B. alexandrina snails as the following: atrazine > roundup > miltefosine > artemether > thymol > eugenol > linalool. This study highlights plant derivative agents as safe natural molluscicides instead of harmful toxic chemical synthetic agents on non-target organisms and even man. It is recommended that more research studies should be carried out to assess the impact of linalool, thymol, eugenol and artemether in terms of biological, biochemical and molecular parameters of snails as well as their efficacy as schistosomicidal agents against S. mansoni worms.

Volume 12 | Issue 7

Pages: 419-423

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I7/20202022