
Role of CLC through Social Entrepreneurs as a Community Empowerment Efforts

Muhamad Affandi, Achmad Hufad, Mustofa Kamil, Nike Kamarubiani and Abdul Rahmat

The existence of PKBM Sumber Sejahtera as a community education unit in Kapuas Regency demands social responsibility to empower the community. The identification results show that the Palingkau Baru community still experiences limited access to education, high unemployment, and the lack of expertise or skills possessed by the community. Based on this phenomenon, a social problem based social empowerment strategy is initiated in the form of a social entrepreneurship strategy based on social problems and community potential. This study uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological method that is closely related to the social phenomena of individuals in society. The research instrument used was interviews, observation and documentation studies which then the results were analyzed through data reduction techniques, data display and conclusion drawing. Through this research, the results show that the application of social entrepreneurship provides significant results in community empowerment efforts, especially in relation to increasing competence and overcoming social problems in the community. Another impact of the implementation of the social entrepreneurship strategy in the PKBM Sumber Sejahtera is the growth of a variety of positive characters in the participants of activities that support the empowerment activities themselves.

Volume 12 | Issue 7

Pages: 17-23

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I7/20201979