
Prenatal Education in Islamic Perspective, and Local Wisdom of the Bugis Community in Sidenreng Rappang Regency

Muhammad Siri Dangnga, Ishak, St. Wardah Hanafie Das, Abd. Halik and Hamka Naping

This study aims to find the form of prenatal education according to Ministry of Health guidelines, in the perspective of Islamic education, for the local wisdom review of the Bugis, integrated education formulation model (material, strategy / method, and assessment) that will be applied to classes of pregnant women in Sidenreng Rappang Regency. The type of research used was the qualitative research. The population in this study was 12 pregnant women. Primary data used were pregnant women who are doing the education process in the class of pregnant women. The result shows that there are 75% of pregnant women who pray 5 times in a day, but only some of them know the benefits of 5 times prayer for the womb. Reading the Qur'an and Dhikr were only done by some pregnant women in which, they did and knew the benefits, while from the results of interviews about good behavior. It can be concluded that almost all mothers do good behavior which includes doing alms, doing silebrami to family and neighbors, helping others, and tend to control emotions during pregnancy.

Volume 12 | Issue 5

Pages: 456-464

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I5/20201960