
Digital Technology Era and Al-Quran Understanding Problem: Critical Reflection of Al-Quran Learning through Action Research

Tedi Supriyadi,J. Julia, Ayi Sobana, Nan Rahminawati, Nadri Taja

Every Muslim must implement Al-Quran messages as the primary source of Islamic religious teaching that is fundamental for their lives. The Al-Quran messages are completely manifested and realized completely along with one’s level of understanding in capturing the messages. This research seeks to analyze the rationale of low understanding level of Muslim students toward Al-Quran messages. Students’ tendency to use the internet as the primary source for understanding Al-Quran could expose them to radicalism if it was not accompanied by a selective and critical attitude in selecting and making use of the internet. This research also elaborated the result of team collaboration in increasing students’ understanding of Al-Quran through the integration of mobile application named Tafsir Ibn Katsir, as an approach in the learning process. Action Research Design was used to get the solution for the low Al-Quran understanding through critical reflection steps in the Al-Quran learning process. The participants of this research were 115 students from one of the universities in West Java, Indonesia, from Bandung, Sumedang, and Cirebon cities. They consisted of 65 male and 50 female students aged 17-19 years old. The participants were included in the digital native group because they were born in the 2000s and live in a digital environment and belonged to three different classes. The result showed that there were six steps taken as a critical reflection in the learning process using action research design, namely (1) strengthening of the study of tafsir (interpretation); (2) choosing ICT media in understanding Al-Quran; (3) understanding Al-Quran through IT with language approach; (4) understanding Al-Quran through IT with a historical approach; (5) understanding Al-Quran through ICT with mufassir explanation; and (6) evaluating the learning. Those steps were combined with the integration of tafsir ibn Katsir application as the learning media made those steps as a series of reflective and soluble measures in increasing students’ understanding toward Al-Quran.

Volume 12 | Issue 6

Pages: 2384-2401

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201198