
Illuminative Evaluation of Local History Learning Program in Indonesia

Jumardi, Soeprijanto, Diana Nomida Musnir

Learning local history is important to learn because it has values and a spirit of struggle that must be known to students. This research is intended to evaluate, how the planning, implementation, problems of local history learning programs in Indonesia and the efforts made to improve learning takes place. The study uses a qualitative method with an informal approach. Interviews and observations were conducted with 50 students who had taken local history learning. The results showed that only 12% were able to master and understand the meaning of local history learning. This shows that local history learning has not yet reached the learning outcome. This indicates the process of learning local history at the tertiary level has not been maximized. This report can be a reference for evaluating and changing teaching methods to teachers.

Volume 12 | Issue 6

Pages: 2349-2354

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201194