
Masculinity Reconstruction In The Involvement Of Men To Prevent Violence Against Women (Sociological Research Study Involving Men InPriaSejati Communities)

Budi Triwinanta, Paulus Wirutomo, NurIman Sujono

Considering domestic violence is a social problem, this research highlights the efforts to involve men in the prevention of violence against women. Involving men is a transformative gender that is changing the way of viewing men as 'perpetrators of violence' into men as 'partners', pushing their responsibilities in efforts to realize gender justice and equality.The research aims to see how the process of reconstruction of masculinity which is constructing male gender identity through involving men in preventing violence against women. A community that seeks to reconstruct masculinity is a community of PriaSejati. PriaSejati Community (KOMPAS) is related to Christian Men 's Network Indonesia (CMNI) which is a Christian interdenominational religious community that makes a forum for guidance to men, especially men who undergo problems. The community aims to maximize masculinity with character recovery, maturity, and insight of male leadership. The East Jakarta PriaSejati Community has hundreds of members from various societies and social statuses. This community is not truly open in public, but its members are based on anyone interested and willing to involve themselves. KOMPAS management appoints one pastor as the chairperson by acclamation and representatives from the cells that are fostered.An essential finding of this research is the increasingly strengthened construction of masculinity in a patriarchal culture in preventing violence against women. Social facts show that the number of violence against women (gender oppression) is getting higher, and men are the perpetrators as the expectation of male dominance in all aspects of social life, so it is necessary to involve men in its prevention. Through community activities, real men form men to experience gender transformation, namely socio-cultural changes that start from the individual, family (community), and community dimensions. This transformation of men aims at the issue of male privilege and power in the community in building a more just social order out of the diversity of expression (gender equality). This research uses a theoretical framework of recovery (functional structuralist) and the theory of masculinity to fight violence (gender conflict) and gender transformation.

Volume 12 | Issue 6

Pages: 2335-2342

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201192