
A Perceptional Analysis On The Impact Of Data Driven Decision Making And It’s Moderating Resistance Effect

K. Sai Lalitha Chowdary, Srinivasa Rao.D

In this research work various business tricks and analytics has been studied for making market value efficient. The technology growing naturally, healthily and expected range when we follow the constant data tools and big data analytics. The big data tools helps the business moves in a smart way and reduce harm-ness factors. If you want more profit, decision making, customer satisfaction and efficiency then need to study the data analyzing with qualitative survey. Therefore in this study data driven decision making (DADDM) methodology has been used to find out the virtual firms and adaptive suggestions are analyzed. The DADDM method gives the 5-6% productivity rate, which is very higher compared to present decision making models. Secondly the relationship between DADDM and performance metrics have been differentiated such as asset utilization, return equity and market value. Along this we also estimate the DADDM effecting factors like as profitability, productivity and competitive advantage. Finally, we found evidence that the effect of resistance towards DDDM.

Volume 12 | Issue 6

Pages: 2303-2314

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201189