This article is written with the aim of developing a methodology for the formation of professional competence of future chemistry teachers. The article discusses how to justify the need and the need for the formation of professional competence of future chemistry teachers; based on the analysis of psychological, pedagogical, chemical and methodological literature, investigate the state of the problem of the formation of professional competence of future teachers, determine the theoretical, methodological and didactic-methodical foundations of its solution; based on the analysis of the development of the problem of the formation of professional competence of teachers in the study of chemistry, to determine the structure of competence and its levels formed; to develop, test and determine the effectiveness of the model for the formation of professional competence of future chemistry teachers in the educational process; to develop and test the content of the system of special courses that contribute to the formation of professional competence of future chemistry teachers, determine their role and place in the holistic educational process; to develop and test a didactic set of teaching materials (system of elective courses, creative tasks, student studies, inventive tasks in chemistry) in chemistry lessons.
Volume 12 | 06-Special Issue
Pages: 700-705
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP6/SP20201083