
The Impact Of Winter Wheat And Re-Crops On Soil Fertility And Cotton Productivity In Southern Uzbekistan

M.Tadzhiev, K.M.Tadzhiev,N.N. Ochildiev

The article presents data from a field and laboratory experiment conducted in the south of Uzbekistan on takyr meadow soils and extreme conditions of the Surkhandarya scientific experimental station of the research institute of selection, seed production and agricultural technology of cotton cultivation. Long-term experience provides data on the effect of winter wheat and second crops in a short rotation crop rotation on the agrophysical, agrochemical properties of the soil, growth, development and fruiting, cotton yield and technological qualities of cotton fiber. As a result of the research, it was shown that winter wheat and repeated sowing of agricultural crops had a positive effect on soil fertility, yield of raw cotton and technological qualities of cotton fiber in comparison with the control experiment.

Volume 12 | 06-Special Issue

Pages: 637-643

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP6/SP20201074