
Analysis of risks and challenges to creating and operating Mega science research facilities

Nurzhan Nurlanovich Nurakhov, Andrey Sergeevich Malyshev, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Kolesnikova, Alexander Alexandrovich Petrov, Natalia Yurievna Tsvetus

Urgent challenges in modern science lead to the need to create and use international research infrastructures - Megascience facilities - that are capable of conducting full-cycle research from fundamental to applied. The complexity of unique research projects necessitates the creation of international consortiums and collaborations to develop and operate the complexes of scientific equipment. For the Russian Federation, the issue of creating unique Megascience research facilities is quite relevant considering its approval of the “Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Synchrotron and Neutron Research and Research Infrastructure for 2019–2027” in March 2020. This article provides a system analysis of the risks arising from the process of creating and operating large research infrastructures and Megascience projects. This article presents a risk assessment methodology and considers the categories of risks necessary for taking into account the whole life cycle of a research infrastructure. The article demonstrates that due to the uniqueness of each created or managed scientific infrastructure, potential risks cannot be unified and must be considered individually in each separate case. The minimum set of actions required to minimize the consequences of potential problems is proposed.

Volume 12 | 06-Special Issue

Pages: 580-587

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP6/SP20201066