This thesis is purely based on a research study conducted in a construction project located at Cochin, Thrissur and Kottayam cities. The study is on the total quality control and various tools and techniques used to attain and improve quality. The study was conducted on high rise buildings. The data was collected based on site observations and questionnaire survey. The successful factors affecting the total quality management are knowledge on Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Safety Management, Workmanship, Inventory Control and Customer Satisfaction. In this study, for the analysis survey, the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) tool is being used. After selecting the successful factors affecting Total Quality Management, the questionnaire is prepared based on it. In this paper, mainly focuses on Quality Control and also implementing TQM in high rise building. Also, the paper studies about the barriers occur in the implementation of Total Quality Management.
Volume 11 | 04-Special Issue
Pages: 440-448