
Effective Forecast of CKD Database Using Imputation Based Feature Priority Assigning Algorithm

S. Dilli Arasu and Dr.R. Thirumalaiselvi

This article explains the working of proposed singular value attribution approach incorporating (EM) -Expectation-Maximization and (RDF)-Random Decision Forest techniques. It handles the absenting values efficaciously in diminutive data set so that, assigning priority for each parameter to foresee the disease in the early stage. As a result, anyone can take adequate preventive methods to control the development of the disease. To handle the voluminous database, multiple value imputation models are adopted. The proposed (WAELI)-Weighted Average Ensemble Learning Imputation algorithm can be used in predicting kidney disease with more accuracy. By using RDF, (CART)-Classification and Regression Tree and C4.5 algorithms the absenting valance in the dataset uniquely reckoned. Priority assigning algorithm is thereafter used to make the classification process, which very efficiently reduces the time consumption.

Volume 11 | 04-Special Issue

Pages: 339-348