
Real-Time Disaster Management-Based Opportunistic Routing For QoS For Predicting The Quality Of Information Traffic Between Mobile Nodes

T. Sathish Kumar, N.P. Gopalan

Wireless communication network should be available to communicate with a node at anytime and anywhere. The technology provides the most important information partition for disaster management applications for Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET). Wireless communication is required among rescue team members to save countless lives and use them in rescue operations. They use the technology with mobile connectivity technology for it, as well as Quality of Service (QoS). Emergency and disaster recovery will be designed to operate on the battery-powered devices for use during the service, as well as good and possible among rescue members, such as MANET devices. The node must be able to communicate its information to another node, without depending on anything. Through this, the rescue team will exchange the multimedia video and images for the rescue scene they are committed. However, during such a disaster recovery process, most QoS routing protocols do not exchange information on a multimedia streaming system, which is necessary for the current era. Existing protocols cannot meet this requirement. Our proposed work is reliable and achieves speedy communication for upcoming emergency RESCUE protocol for recovery management. Instead of relying on a greedy node to deal with unforeseen conditions during or after a disaster, or by designing the entire transmission model that operates the MANET, the recovery routing protocol selects a group of team members for each hop-by-hop. The movement of the nodes is not predetermined and varies according to time and place, and the node used to obtain information from nearby nodes. The recovery protocol is structured with the forecast technique. Instead of guessing the exact location of the adjacent node of each node, the node predicts the elliptical portion that is likely to move the tracked node and guess the rescue protocol. By minimizing the impact of a location error, the node antenna uses a predicted ellipse region to locate the affected area in a specific direction and transmit the packets in the right direction to the adjacent node. The existing routing protocol Topology and Link quality-aware Geographical opportunistic routing protocol (TLG) is compared with RESCUE routing protocol and its results compared and justified it.

Volume 11 | 08-Special Issue

Pages: 3251-3258