
Psychological And Pedagogical Conditions Of Formation Of Research Competences In Younger Schoolboys

BarnoAbdullaeva, MamurakhonToshpulatova, DilsoraAbduvalieva, AygulUrazimbetova, TurdaliSultonov

Modern society is now in need of young people who are able to think independently, set new tasks for themselves and find their solutions, be ready for a scientific search. It is known that all children are naturally inquisitive and full of desires to learn, and it is at the initial stage of education that they strive for creativity, knowledge and vigorous activity. In this aspect, research activity is one of the main ways a child can get an idea of the world around. In 2011, all domestic schools made the transition to the new Federal State Standard of Primary General Education, in which one of the central places is undoubtedly occupied by the problem of developing research skills among students. Under these conditions, there is an increasing interest in an individual who has the foundations and skills of an exploratory nature, capable of self-actualization, creating something new or transforming. Primary school, being the starting level of education, lays the foundation for general academic skills in teaching and learning activities, forms the key competencies that form the basis of lifelong education. One of the most significant competences of the primary school student’s personality, which is necessary for the continuation of education, is considered by scholars and teachers to be educational and cognitive competencies. Since one of the important results is the ability to learn throughout life, it is clear that it is necessary to study the formation and diagnosis of educational and cognitive competence.

Volume 12 | Issue 6

Pages: 1154-1158

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201150