In order to lessen the control utilization in emerging country like India this paper has been focused. Here monitoring is done on the street light energy consumption and its proper utilization. The IR sensor detected the vehicle movement, the sensor precise the vehicle movement a set of street lights to the front of the vehicle is turned on and the rear street lights are turned off .So manpower is eliminated and power consumption is done. Street light control system includes Arduino, Light Emitting Diode (LED), Liquid crystal display (LCD), Global System for Mobile (GSM),Light dependent resistor(LDR), allows continuously monitoring the whole scheme from a host computer and operating it in various modes. Power to the street lights is done using solar power as its source. Turn on lights during day time is limited by Phototransistor. The whole sensors and electronic components are implemented using an Arduino.
Volume 11 | 04-Special Issue
Pages: 18-22