
Evaluating Reliable Node in Wireless Sensor Network Using ERLEN Model

M.S. Nidhya, Dr.A. Kannagi and Dr.R. Chinnaiyan

In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), many sensors will be scattered in the environment. The main objective of the sensors is to collect the information and pass the information to the sink node. From the sender to sink node the information/packet will be forwarded by the number of intermediate nodes. If the intermediate node is malicious or dead, an information/message will not be passed or forwarded to the sink node. In this paper, we propose ERLEN: Evaluating Reliable Node in a network by node’s characteristics and neighboring nodes commend. The proposed new technique will find the reliable node for packet routing and the other malicious /compromised node will be eliminated automatically from the packet routing.

Volume 11 | Issue 2

Pages: 222-228