
Analysis Of Hotel Guests’ Behavior On Food Waste

Siti Mahsanah Budijati, Achmad Ramdhoni

Food waste is one of the big problems of food waste management in various countries and it is one of the problems in sustainable food supply chain. A person's behavior in consuming food has a considerable impact on the occurrence of food waste. This study aims to investigate the behavior of hotel guests in the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on consuming food related to the problem of food waste. The factors used to measure the behavior of hotel guests towards food waste is environmental awareness. Meanwhile environmental awareness is also used as a mediator variable for materialism, knowledge, and religion. The respondents in this study were 235 people from 16 hotels. The results of the regression analysis show that environmental awareness has a positive and significant effect on the behavior of the food waste of 0.284. This study also found that the factors having a positive and significant effect on the environmental awareness was religion at 0.391. It was also discovered that environmental awareness became a mediator in the relationship between religion and behavior towards food waste. In addition, it has been drawn that materialism, knowledge, and religion can simultaneously form an environmental awareness of 18.3%. The results of this study can be used as an initial reference for policy makers in handling food waste in Indonesia.

Volume 11 | 12-Special Issue

Pages: 201-208