
Model Development for the Augmented Momentum Transfer Coefficients across Vertical Conduits using Three Sided Equilateral Plates as Insert Promoters

M. Gangadhar,K. Siva Kumar,K. Uday Kumar

Results are presented from experimental investigation on the effect of coaxially placed entry region triangular plate as turbulence promoter in closed circular conduits. The study covered a wide range of variables such as flow rate of electrolyte, geometric parameters such as size of triangular plate (SS), thickness of the three sided equilateral plate (Sw) and distance of the three sided equilateral plate from the entrance of the test section (h). The results revealed that the friction factor increased with increase in size of triangular plate (SS), thickness of the triangular plate (Sw) and varied inversely with distance (h). Friction factor results were interpreted and correlated with roughness function R(h+) and roughness Reynold’s number(Re+). The developed correlation can be employed to variables by other future researchers by virtue of wall similarity concept. The following correlation was obtained from the present studies. 0.3954 3 0.1732 2 1.6874 1 4 2.4537 R(h+ ) =1.1844*10− (Re+ ) (φ )− (φ )− (φ ) Where d h and d S d S = S = W = 1 2 3 φ ,φ φ are dimensionless groups

Volume 12 | Issue 6

Pages: 316-325

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201035