
Effect of Accountability, Transparency of Management Amil Zakat Institutions and Poverty Alleviation of Muzakki Trust

Arie Noviana, Opan Arifudin, Dewi Yuliati Indah, Rahman Tanjung, Yayan Sofyan

Zakat is an obligation for every person in Islam, but if it is not managed in good management skill it is not on target, ineffective, and efficient. This might be due to several things such as the management of zakat which has not been effective, the awareness of obligatory zakat (muzakki) has not yet grown or other things.This research was conducted to determine and analyze the effect of accountability, transparency of the Amil Zakat Institution, and poverty alleviation on the belief of muzakki in the Amil Zakat Institution in Bandung. The verification study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to muzakki and prospective muzakki at the Amil Zakat Institute in Bandung. Data collected by conducting surveys and interviews. The hypothesis is tested by multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the influence of accountability, transparency of the Amil Zakat Institute and poverty alleviation on muzakki trust was statistically significant.

Volume 12 | Issue 6

Pages: 199-208

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I6/S20201022