Cervical dilators are the devices that are used for effective dilation of cervix. Dilation of cervix is done during childbirth, miscarriage, induced abortion or for some gynaecological surgery. A dilator is used to gently open the cervix before a gynaecologic procedure that requires the cervix to be open, allowing access to the uterus and fallopian tubes. Cervical dilation reduces the risk of injury to the cervix during such a procedure. During midtrimester, it becomes necessary to terminate the pregnancy due to some fatal anomalies and intrauterine death. Gynaecologists use various types of cervical dilators around the globe. They include mechanical dilators, osmotic dilators and medicinal drugs that induce the dilation process. Generally mechanical dilators include use of catheters that is balloon type catheters and hygroscopic dilators also called as osmotic dilators) and about medicinal drugs there are several drugs available. We are focusing on mechanical dilation in this paper.
Volume 11 | 08-Special Issue
Pages: 3191-3198