Visually impaired people find difficulties in detecting obstacles in front of them, during walking on the street, which makes it dangerous. The smart cap comes as a proposed solution to enable them to identify the world around. In this paper we propose a solution, represented in a form of smart cap with ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles within the range of 10-12 feets and PIR sensors to detect any other obstacles in the backside of the user, within a range of 5-10 meters. Moreover, another ultrasonic sensors is placed at the front left and front right of the cap which will give information to vibrating motor as soon as any obstacle is sensed The Panic switch is used in the cap, so that if a person is trapped in any kind of danger or is panicked, he will just press that panic button and his location will be traced via GPS and GSM will send that information to his family member, which will be displayed on the LCD screen we have used. The output of these sensors can be transmitted since they are having digital output it is converted into analog and displaced on the interfaced LCD screen. In case of emergency the receiver can have exact coordinates of the blind person in a minute & he can be rescued immediately. This proposed system uses the ATmega 16 microchip, vibration motor and GPS and GSM. The cap capable of detecting all obstacles in the range which is mentioned above respectively and gives a suitable message empowering blind to move twice his normal speed because she/he feels safe. Buzzer will be attached, which will notify in case of emergencies. The smart cap is of low cost, fast response, low power consumption and light weight.
Volume 11 | 08-Special Issue
Pages: 3102-3106