
Implementation Competency Based Learning Model Of Learning Computer Network Courses At Vocational Education

* Raimon Efendi, Wulan Andang.P, Yusron,Andra,Asmar Yulastri, B.Herawan Hayadi

This study is based on the need analysis that finds the phenomenon that conventional learning model has not been effective enough in developing students learning potential optimally. This study aims to know the effectiveness and difference learning result of using Competency Based Learning (CBL) model on computer network subjects compared with conventional learning method. The subject of this research is the 3 th semester students of Information Technology Study Program of Universitas Dharmas Indonesia as much as 40 students. Students are divided into groups of controls and experimental groups. This research uses Quasi-Experiment approach, with non-equivalent control group design. It is shown competency based learning model in computer network course is effective in imparting learnings skill and more motivated in learning, more confident and more able to solve problems given, responsible and able to work together in teams, there is difference learning result of learning model of competency Based Learning with conventional learning methods on cognitive and psychomotor aspects

Volume 11 | Issue 1

Pages: 501-505