
Software Reliability Measurement Using Combined Goel OKUMOTO and ANOM Perfect Debugging Model

Mekhala Sridevi Sameera, Gangadhara Rao Kancharla and R. Satya Prasad

Beside with constantly growing computerized automation, the prospects on reliability of software and hardware rise significantly. Consequently, the reliability of software has turned out to be the utmost significant aspect of quality of software. Software reliability prototyping established on data to be tested is completed to approximate whether the current reliability level come across the necessities for the product. Modeling of Software reliability offers prospects to forecast reliability. Expenditures for developing software and testing software collected with profit concerns in relation to software reliability are one of the main objectives to software reliability prediction. Prediction of software reliability presently employs various models for this perseverance. Constraints need to be fixed in order to adjust the model to adequate the test data. The assessment of residual faults in software is significant cause for the discharge of software or quantity of further testing that is essential. Software reliability models are required for the precise approximation of outstanding faults. In our work we present a novel software reliability proposal which combines characteristics of GoelOkumoto and ANOM Models. By using GoelOkumoto Model we compute mean, standard deviation and then using these values we divide the data into subgroups. Now By using ANOM model on these subgroups, we computed software fault rates. We evaluated the performance of model by using a case study and its various parameters are discussed in evaluating software reliability.

Volume 11 | 11-Special Issue

Pages: 780-787

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP11/20193096