Cloud computing is employed while combination earnings in several submission areas, covering from manufacturing to healthcare, point towards to attaining flexible storage of data and easy-to-access and exchange among geographically and heterogeneous sparse organizations. In the existing technique explained an encrypted the data through Un-crackable Cipher Dynamic Double Encryption Standard (UCDDES) reduces the issue of unauthorized user/ hackers accessing data. In this proposed method, used a secure un-crackable cipher dynamic double encryption standard (SUDDES) algorithm to secure the data access control and privacy preserving. To randomly select the key length reduced the data security issues. After dynamically selecting the key length the data governor sent the key request to the authority. Then based on the obtained key length the data governor generated the partial secret key. It is further used to decode the information besides stored in cloud storage. The outcome of the study enhances the data access control and increases the effectiveness of the cloud security and reduces the decryption and encryption time and also it prevents from dictionary attacks, brute force attacks, collision attacks, SQL injection attacks and so on.
Volume 11 | 11-Special Issue
Pages: 746-760
DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP11/20193093