
Numerical Simulation Of Pressure Drop For Coal Air And Fly Ash Air Mixture

Sudhanshu Mishra, Rahul Mishra, K C Ghanta, A N Mullick, S L Sinha

Lots of work is going on in the field of slurry flow regarding the rheological parameters of multi size particulate flow. It is imperative part of pipeline industry, moreover, we can say that pipeline industry have some reliance on multi size particulate flow. Many investigators have carried out both physical and numerical modeling of the erosion of pipe bends, elbows, tees and related geometries. Since the early 1990s, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been widely used for solid particle erosion prediction in curved pipes and ducts, with various analytical, semi- empirical and empirical models have been developed. In the present work, the rheological characteristics of coal air mixture and ash air mixture is determined which are having more complex rheological behavior because the fine particle of coal and ash are non-uniform in size. The Pressure drop (Pa) is calculated by using ANSYS14.0 with volume fraction of 0.11 and particle size of 50μm to 75μm (for coal air and ash air mixture) and validated with the past results available in the literature. It was also observed that for both coal air mixture and ash air mixture, the pressure drop is maximum for smallest particle diameter and it is because of the fact that the fine size particles of coal and ash are not having uniform shape, so due non uniformity in size the viscosity increases for small particle diameters as a result the pressure drop also increases but for high volume fraction the irregularity in size may get reduced that is why the viscosity reduces as a result the pressure drop again reduces.

Volume 12 | Issue 2

Pages: 198-209

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S202010022